I did excursion to Frementle, an adorable seaside town, located about 30 minutes travelled by train from city of Perth. It is like KL and Klang. Calm and quite, not so much of the crowd, at certain part it just looks like a ghost town. I found the way to the beach. There's an old fort right by the beach, standing there one can see panorama overlooking the town and the ocean. I touched the Indian Ocean, the same vast ocean that hides the mystery of MH370. Time passed by slowly while I was enjoying the sunset by the beach, and get entertained by watching a bunch of aboriginal kids showing off their acrobatic skills on the soft sea sand. They made my day.

I had my dinner at the famous Kailis. I ordered BBQ Platter, haha.. the jumbo one. Temptation gitu. I forgot to check the price before place order. If I knew it gonna cost me $79, I doubt I pick that. Haha. Nonetheless, nothing to regret, money is not yours until you spend it right, plus, bukan selalu datang sini, once in blue moon. But, the taste not that outstanding though, I must say kinda plain taste. Well, mana boleh nak compare dgn Asian way of cooking, with all the spices, kan.

Talking about local food, other than Kebabs, the common one I suppose the most popular among Malay tourist must be Fish and Chips. Here in Perth they serve F&C with no plate but wrap with big paper - the traditional way of serving according to them. What else to shout, hmmm I guess worth to mention the famous Apple Strudle at the Northbridge. The size is much bigger than I expected, boleh makan untuk 4 orang per pieces. The taste is so nice, something not to miss. I also eat the churros while I am in Madurrah. That was another excursion. I picked and choosed Mandurrah becos it is reachable by train, by day. I just wanted to go to the next town, no specific one. And I found Mandurrah on the map it meets my criteria. My intention is to sightseeing outside Perth cornubation. I wanted to see the scenery along the journey. When I was on the train, I recalled something when I saw the bushland at the rural part. I remembered many years back, someone did tell me that certain part in Terengganu have this distinguish look that reminds to Australia. And few years later, I heard someone else said the same thing! My curiosity at last get the answer, and yes, their saying is not baseless. See photos below, almost similar, kan. Madurrah is a small town by the lagoon. Not so many thing happens or any tourist attraction here. One activity to kill time I did is dolphin cruise in the lagoon. Cant recall how much it cost. I and the rest of the tourists on the boat managed to see the dolphin few times, close enuff. Kinda amazing, cos those dolphins are wildlife. Living in natural habitat.

Terengganu (Dungun-Marang coastal road)
The next day, I went to Perth Zoo, located just 5 minutes bus ride from the city. Not too bad for a quick look, nak melepaskan hajat. I just wanted to see the native animals i.e. kangaroo, koala, wombat dan Tasmanian devils. It is a must, tak lengkaplah trip ke OZ kalau tak tengok these exclusive animals, right? And did I say Wombat is like when a koala married with a pig, they got anak called wombat! I just learnt that there’s few species of kangaroo, includings one that sit on tree branch most of times.
I also managed to pay a visit to WA museum. My travelling rule, I have to do at least one museum. I need to know about the past of the city, then I could appreciate and feel the place a little bit more. WA museum is free entry.

The day before I fly back home, I went to Kings Park, again. I love it here in Kings Park. That morning, I woke up at dawn, and went outdoor, got myself a cup of hot coffea and egg burger at Hungry Jacks, then took a walk all the way from the city to Kings Park. Enjoying my own time on chilly morning. I saw peoples cycling, walking and jogging along the way. At Kings Park, I just sit on a bench facing the calm beauty vista, enjoying the delightful view and the sounds of the birds chirping, feel the chilly breeze on my face, take a deep breath of fresh morning air…that was a perfect relaxing vacation the way I wanted to. Kalau mat salleh, mereka enjoy the morning scene in the tropical island of Bali or Phuket they call paradise, I, on the other hand, call their home paradise. Grass is always green on the other side.

Cos the trip is on my own, I wont be able to do the long distance driving to those places far further in outskirt like pinnacles, wave rock, the gap, drive to the next town further down south, posing on the empty rural road in the middle of nowhere, etc. Nak ambik pakej, agak mahal. It cost $160 for day trip to pinnacles. Takpe lah, next time boleh datang jalan-jalan makan angin ke Perth lagi inshaa Allah.
All in all, Perth definitely a world class city with high standard of living quality. Not overcrowded like Asian cities, peaceful and pretty setting. Thanks God this land fall to the right hand who know how to preserve, take good care and enhance the natural beauty.